Gamer Unleashed!

I'am a music and fashion lover, ain't I? But there's this side of me that hungers for high-definition games. So for this blog entry, I picked " Left for Dead 2 " as one of my most-awaited game. I've been an avid fan of zombie movies, so Left For Dead pretty much caught my attention. I once played Special Force and Counter Strike, so L4D kinda depicted the things I' am fond of. This sequel is different from the previous L4D, Why? First of all:

1.) Plot - Left 4 Dead 2 will be set in the Southern United States, starting in Savannah, Georgia and ending up in New Orleans, Louisiana. Four new survivors will be introduced in this sequel. Unlike the first game where there was no significant story development, Left 4 Dead 2 will feature a story arc.

2.) Gameplay - The game presents five new campaigns, larger in size than those in the first game.

3.) Survivors - Left 4 Dead 2 features a new cast of human survivors, which includes Coach, a high-school football coach, until he twisted his leg; Rochelle, a news reporter for a local television station; Ellis, an engineer worker, the anti- francis; and Nick, a gambler with a very expensive suit.

4.) Infected - The Infected in Left 4 Dead 2 are largely unchanged from Left 4 Dead.

So I hoped you gained information from this most-awaited game.




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