I'm back! So to start off, I'll be doing a review for New Moon since I just watched it today. I can't deny the fact that the CGI effects was great, it was so realistic that I always wanted to see the wolves on-screen. It was also great that the director kinda stick with the book, and it's kinda relieving for someone like me who read the book, but unlike any other I'd rather see it in a different perspective but still with the same concept. I'm not saying that it was not great, I just hope there was a little difference from the book. Oh! One bad comment though, I really hate the soundtrack it didn't have that special feeling, the feeling I had once when I watched Twilight and I just wish that they used Bella's Lullaby. Another thing, why did they made the "Volturi" violent on this movie? Not like in the book they were not that violent. Oh! by the way I give a thumbs up on Jacob's transformation, the body.. Ugh! So hot! The scene where he took off his clothes I was like -- OHH SHIT! :O, Lol. The ending was perfect, it makes you want for more. Overall, the movie was GOOD! Still an Edward Cullen Fan but a Jacob Black Lover now. :D
So this is it for now, 'till next time.
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