There are four primary classes, and eight specialized classes in the game. Players start the game by choosing one of the four primary classes: Warrior, Mage, Scout, or Priest. After attaining level 10, the players must choose from the two specialized classes associated with that base class. This allows players to get a feel for the playstyle of the class before making a major decision as to which class to play for the rest of the game. Each faction will have a slight variation in class skills.
Mages have weak physical combat ability but they can launch devastatingly powerful magic attacks, they are the primary ranged magical damage dealers. There are two specializations possible for mages: Spiritmasters and Sorcerers.
The sorcerer follows the path of magic, mastering the elements of water, fire, wind, and earth. A sorcerer's skill set becomes very diverse as their combat ability evolves.
* Special ability: Long range damage spells
* Play style: Magical ranged damage dealer
Spiritmasters are the only summoning class in the game. They can control water, fire, earth, and air spirits.
* Special ability: Summoning powerful elemental spirits
* Play style: A pet class with ranged DPS power
Spiritual warriors, priests can use healing and self-protection spells to excel in melee combat, and launch powerful ranged magic attacks too. This makes them not only useful support characters in a party of adventurers, but also powerful combatants in their own right. There are two priest specializations: Clerics and Chanters.
The Chanter is primarily a buff provider, but also has access to healing and damage spells. Aions only true hybrid class.
* Special ability: Fortification magic using healing and mantras
* Play style: Healing, attacking, and enhancement magic. In addition to its magical abilities, it also possesses exceptional skills involving the use a Bo staff. The chanter uses mantra magic to inspire the morale of allies, and since it can strengthen abilities, it is the gathering center during battle.
Healer class. Able to raise the dead.
* Special ability: Healing and protection
* Play style: The Cleric is the main Healer in the world of Aion. Also capable of resurrecting allies, the Cleric possesses a core position within the group. Gameplay consists of removing negative effects on party members and oneself, and keeping the party alive. The Cleric's equipment provides tremendous defensive potential that is only surpassed by the Warrior classes.
The scout combines great agility with swift attacks. Scouts must specialize into one of two sub-classes: Ranger or Assassin.
Assassins are experts in deft movement and the silent termination of their target.
* Special ability: Striking without detection
* Play style: Stealth DPS
The ranger is the only physical ranged damage class in Aion.
* Special ability: Range diversity of attack
* Play style: Ranged DPS with traps
Warriors excel in close-quarter combat. Strong performers in a wide range of situations, Warriors are relatively easy to master. Warriors must specialize into one of two sub-classes: gladiators, who concentrate on dealing damage (DPS), or templars, who combine fierce fighting with defensive chants and techniques (tanks).
Gladiators can use many types of melee weapons, ranging from swords to halberds.
* Special ability: Close combat
* Play style: Close combat DPS along with good AoE
Fighting with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, the Templar is both guardian and fierce combatant. To remain effective, the Templar should stay on or close to the front firing line.
* Special ability: Protection chants
* Play style: Tanking. The Templar acts as a guardian, fighting with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, protecting others on the battlefield.
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