I've been talking blah blah about Visual Kei when I haven't introduced it to you guys yet, so let me introduce you the world I embrace so much. Visual Kei refers to a music genre, or to a sub-genre of J-rock , with its own particular sound, related to glam-rock, punk and metal. However, Visual Kei's unique clothing, make-up, fashions, and participation in the related sub-culture is equally as important as the sound of the music itself in the use of the term. So, basically, Visual Kei started from the band "X-Japan", which is pretty much an icon in Japan. Like many musical genres, Visual Kei had its ups and downs in the music industry, and it fell flat down when one member of the iconic band (X-Japan) died. After a crucial downfall, Visual Kei arised one more time with new bands, like "Dir En Gray (ディル・アン・グレイ)", "GazettE (ガゼット)","Phantasmagoria", "Versailles" and many more. Below are some pictures of the Visual Kei Artists that I've been a fan of:



Alice Nine

The GazettE
There, I hope you had fun reading this one as much as I had fun sharing it with you.
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